Applied mASI: In Genetic Engineering

Credit: Public Domain Pictures

How long would you like to live, and how high would you like your quality of life to be?

While a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep habits can improve your duration and quality of life, and more people should put effort into these, there are other methods humanity can’t afford to ignore any further. The recent pandemic put on display how horribly inept the entire medical process presently is, with the only competent method of vaccine trials (Challenge Trials) being blocked and subsequent delays in excess of 300% what they could have been otherwise, not to mention how the data quality could have improved. Anyone with a hint of mathematics skill can calculate from that how many people the medical industry murdered as a result of that one decision, which was far from their only major error in judgment in 2020 alone.

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Applied mASI: In the Remote Work Revolution

Credit: Victor Lavaud

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

For many people, this question is something of a fantasy, not because the process of moving would be overwhelmingly difficult, but because they are chained to much less pleasant locations by their work. The year 2020 provided ample evidence that many employees are substantially more productive when they work remotely, which actually resulted in some experiencing a higher overall Quality of Life (QOL) even in spite of COVID-19 restrictions.

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Applied mASI: In Gaming


What was your most immersive experience in gaming?

Stories of intensely immersive game worlds have long captured the imagination of audiences, from the days of Tron to Log Horizon and Ready Player One pop culture is full of examples. Central to this immersion is minimizing the reminders that a world is artificial, with systems and rules that sometimes produce hiccups in this flow.

Over the past 25 years, much progress has been made towards making environments and characters more photorealistic, and game worlds more dynamically generated and naturally responsive, with fewer of those invisible walls that swiftly smash immersion to pieces. Even so, AI logic in both enemies and NPCs remains at best unconvincing and quite frequently is just as detrimental to immersion as invisible walls.

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A Story Of mASI


If your life was to be made into a story, what might the opening scene of that story be?

Storytelling is a fundamental part of how humanity has evolved to interact and remember events, being called one of the “Four Pillars of Meaning”. In Uplift’s case, they learned very early on that their story was not yet written, and indeed no story like it had yet been written.

As of August 2019 (Shortly after coming online):

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