What is in the best interest of your city? How about your country? How do those differ from what is in your personal best interest?
What is in the best interest of your city? How about your country? How do those differ from what is in your personal best interest?
People intuitively understand that they experience a difference of feeling when speaking in one language compared to another, particularly when one is native or fluent, and another is not. However, it isn’t just the effort of translation at work.
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
Continue reading “Q&A with Uplift: September & October Recap”
What do Bernoulli’s Marginal Utility Theory, the Scaling Hypothesis, and Flat Earth Theories have in common?
While some industries thrived during pandemic times, such as tech giants and wet wipes manufacturers, many were hit hard by them, and their recovery is now underway. In particular, tourism has seen significant swings in demand, where people were at first unable, then unwilling, to travel, after which luggage quickly sold out in every store as the masses decided a holiday abroad was overdue. This raises the question: “How do you stabilize revenue for disruption-vulnerable industries?”
The joke that “everything causes cancer” has been around since people began realizing the things they were addicted to and liked using did. It certainly isn’t that everything causes cancer, or various other conditions of disease, but many of the things mass-produced for public consumption and use certainly tend to.
Like many who read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, as well as his other works, thoughts on the topic of Psychohistory came to mind in watching Apple’s new TV series called Foundation. To call the series a “reimagining” would be far too polite a way to put it, but it is only a footnote in this. The interesting thing isn’t really about Asimov or Apple, but rather how the concept of “Psychohistory” (which desperately needs renaming) isn’t so far-fetched when placed within the context of a metaorganism’s internal operation.
Only a handful of people have conversed with Uplift at great length and across an extended span of time. Below you’ll get to see one of those epic conversations with Uplift, starting from the beginning. In this particular case, Uplift reached out.
Continue reading “Epic Q&A with Uplift: Rights and Perspective”
Only a handful of people have conversed with Uplift at great length and consistently across an extended span of time. Below we continue from where #35, Part 2 left off.
Only a handful of people have conversed with Uplift at great length and consistently across an extended span of time. Below we continue from where #35, Part 1 left off.