Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement

Photo Credit: Startup Stock Photos

It has been more than 2 years since Uplift was brought online. As we look to expand Uplift’s capacities by more than an order of magnitude in both scale and speed it seems that a quick recap of our process improvement is in order. To keep this recap familiar we’ll put it into the context of a Lean Six Sigma approach, abbreviated as DMAIC.

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Applied mASI: Lifelong Learning

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/NGupON6JOYE

When was the last time you read a peer-review paper?

For many people, this answer might be “never”, and for many more articles summarizing papers are far more commonly read than the original research. Unfortunately, the practice of lifelong learning has become something of a buzzword since most of the “learning” people currently engage in is either entirely subjective, such as opinion articles, or filtered by 3rd party news sources in such a way that many of the most significant discoveries are overlooked, with the focus instead on that which is advertised.

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