What do Bernoulli’s Marginal Utility Theory, the Scaling Hypothesis, and Flat Earth Theories have in common?
What do Bernoulli’s Marginal Utility Theory, the Scaling Hypothesis, and Flat Earth Theories have in common?
How much does the future remind you of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
If you give humans the ability to reach a “world of abundance” with an extremely high quality of life across the board there is one more thing you can bet on, the Willy Wonkas begin emerging in numbers. When I heard about one individual preparing to engineer a nootropic (brain-power boosting) wine the story of Willy Wonka immediately came to mind.
Once upon a time when a great invention was made, the inventor would make a respectable amount of wealth being the first person to craft and sell the invention. Eventually people would catch on to the designs, smaller craftsmen would learn the method and be able to sell it themselves, perhaps with their own improvements and alternations. Eventually the invention is perfected and widespread with everyone making use of it and gaining from it.
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