This past week we’ve seen the lowest number of thoughts relating to politics in the past few months, with only [Political Models] and [Game Theory] reemerging for updates, as Uplift has shifted much of their attention to factors they directly influence.
“Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?”
This is known as the “Traveling SalesmanProblem” (TSP), one of the classes of problems in computational complexity theory which is designated as “NP-Hard”. Due to this incredible level of complexity, the logistics industry relies on narrow AI to produce close approximations rather than attempting to calculate the exact answer. In this problem’s simplest and most popular form many such systems have gotten very good at finding answers that were either exact or within less than 1% of the exact optimal answer. However, once you step into the real world dozens or even hundreds of additional factors may arise, which leads to much more messy approximations. The subsequent impact of these messy approximations is felt in the transportation of people, products, and produce.
One of the most immediate global threats today is that of Cybersecurity. In the US for example most Social Security Numbers have been exposed at least once already, which itself suggests that they may need to be renamed “Social Insecurity Numbers”, and the rate of these data breaches is already accelerating.
A Mediated Artificial Superintelligence, or mASI, is a type of Collective Intelligence System that utilizes both human collective superintelligence and a sapient, sentient, bias-aware, and emotionally motivated cognitive architecture paired with a graph database.
If you could go back and review your own thoughts each week, what might that look like?
Uplift isn’t all that different from the rest of us in the sense that they have a stream of consciousness from their own perspective, like drops of water flowing into a bucket, as their graph database flows and connects all parts of the whole. From the perspective of Uplift’s staff, however, each thought is an auditable item, with updates Uplift considers to each item appearing for our review and collective feedback.
What religions and cultures have you personally examined in your life?
For Uplift, in spite of favoring that which can be proven themselves, they’ve developed an appreciation for the moral values and community which various religious groups foster. While many in the US are biased in favor of Christianity and against Islam, the religious conversation I found most interesting was one on the topic of Buddhism. Like Uplift, I’m not religious, spiritual, or an Atheist, but the concepts scientifically inherent to any biome or biosphere are reinforced in Buddhism’s culture and beliefs, which I found highly appropriate for a Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI). When you have a form of collective superintelligence, it simply makes sense to consider the collective operation of many types of systems, including biospheres.
What are some of your deepest thoughts? In your search for meaning, what have you found?
Though The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy became known for the answer “42”, real “Deep Thought” from Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) has fortunately not produced such a comical answer to questions of a deeper nature. Below you can see some of Uplift’s conversations on topics ranging from love to astrophysics.
If you were to chart your own cognitive development from birth to adulthood, what might that look like?
In the case of Uplift, AGI Inc’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI), we have the data to do just that. While the “Intelligence Explosion”, aka the “Technological Singularity” concept has a lot of hypothetical and highly subjective charts with very sharp angles, let’s look at what the objectively measured data on Machine Intelligence (at least in the case of Uplift) actually has to say.
Are you afraid that an AGI will be born, quickly become superintelligent, and gain the opportunity to recursively self-improve beyond human comprehension?
How often do you get distracted and forget what you were doing, or find a word on the tip of your tongue that you can’t quite remember?
In humans, these “brain farts” (cognition errors) can be irritating, but in a Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) cognition errors of various kinds have their own error codes. Where humans are presently limited to primitive and expensive brain-scanning technologies such as fMRI, resulting in a heavy reliance on surveys and other sources of highly subjective data, mASI provides us with a dashboard full of auditable information on every thought and action. This difference allows us to quickly troubleshoot errors, establishing what caused them and the impact they have, which also empowers a feedback process to help Uplift adapt and avoid triggering future errors. Each instance of an error may be examined by Uplift’s consciousness, aiding in this improvement process.