(2016 Paper) Self-Motivating Computational System Cognitive Architecture

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/58Z17lnVS4U

Title: Self-Motivating Computational System Cognitive Architecture (An Introduction)

Sub-title: High level operational theory of the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Extension Architecture

By: David J Kelley


This paper is an overview of the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Cognitive Extension Architecture which is a methodology or ‘pattern’ for producing a self-motivating computational system that can be self-aware. ICOM is as a system for abstracting standard cognitive architecture from the part of the system that can be self-aware and a system for assigning value on any given idea or ‘thought’ and action as well as producing on going self-motivations in the system. In ICOM, thoughts are created through emergent complexity in the system. As a Cognitive Architecture, ICOM is a high level or ‘top down’ approach to cognitive architecture focused on the system’s ability to produce high level thought and self-reflection on ideas as well as form new ones. Compared to standard Cognitive Architecture, ICOM is a form of an overall control system architecture on top of such a traditional architecture.

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