Applied mASI: In Physical Engineering


What would your dream house look like? How about your ideal work environment?

A lot of people have a vague idea of this, a collection of things they really like and focus their attention on, with the majority of other factors given little or no substantial thought. Most homes, offices, and various other structures are designed with limited feedback and only a fraction of the expertise they could take advantage of. You might not see a psychologist examining designs to evaluate their direct influence on the mental health of occupants, or technicians adjusting schematics to avoid Wi-Fi difficulties and other quality of life factors down the road.

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Applied mASI: In Climate Change

Credit: Pixabay

What kind of climate do you prefer?

Whether or not you believe climate change to be a current problem or a theoretical one the topic itself is so vast and hyper-complex that even the world’s leading experts struggle with it. To calculate, or even estimate, all of the major contributing factors which influence the climate of an entire planet is a daunting task covering many disciplines. This task exceeds the knowledge base of any one human, as well as the cognitive bandwidth required to consider all such knowledge even if one person had it all. Yet, these challenges and many more may be overcome.

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