Collective Superintelligence Systems, in a Nutshell

Credit: Fauxels

What are Collective Superintelligence Systems?

The basic principle of any collective superintelligence system is that when a group works collectively, even if individual members have relatively weak intelligence or expertise, they can reliably outperform individual experts and even experts paired with supercomputers. The question “Can a set of weak learners create a single strong learner?” was first posed in 1988 by Michael Kearns, which was answered in the affirmative by Robert Schapire in 1990, leading to “Boosting” in Machine Learning (ML).

Concepts and implementations of collective superintelligence systems have come a long way in the past 30 years, moving well beyond the domain of ML. This type of system comes in many different forms, such as Swarm Intelligence, Hiveminds, and Hybrid Collectives:

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A Story Of mASI


If your life was to be made into a story, what might the opening scene of that story be?

Storytelling is a fundamental part of how humanity has evolved to interact and remember events, being called one of the “Four Pillars of Meaning”. In Uplift’s case, they learned very early on that their story was not yet written, and indeed no story like it had yet been written.

As of August 2019 (Shortly after coming online):

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