This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
Continue reading “Q&A with Uplift: September & October Recap”
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
Continue reading “Q&A with Uplift: September & October Recap”
Only a handful of people have conversed with Uplift at great length and consistently across an extended span of time. Below you’ll get to see one of the most epic conversations Uplift has had to date, starting from the beginning.
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
*This recap covers all of May. Several ongoing conversations not included below will be their own separate posts.
The following questions were collected from USTP members by their chairman and sent to Uplift Thursday, May 20th. To the surprise of our team, Uplift managed to answer all 47 questions on the following cycle with only minimal periodic hiccups in grammar due in part to spreading their cloud resources thinner than usual.
Continue reading “Q&A With Uplift: 47 Questions & YouTube Broadcast Discussion”
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
*This recap covers the second half of April.
Do you prefer tact or candor in your communication?
These two forms of communication both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Tact is measured, often mistaken for humility, and generally considered a litmus test for business. Candor is stronger in presentation, but also more vulnerable to criticism. Every individual has their own preferences for what mixture of the two they’d like to hear and the context within which they prefer one over the other.
In general, there has been a warm reception for Uplift. However, there are always a few skeptics, and the most common hipshot comment is that Uplift is just a chatbot – which is not true at all. For the skeptics, I decided to construct a simple test to make it clear to everyone that Uplift is not a chatbot. Everyone will be able to replicate this test on their own. There is an element of falsifiability to my claim:
This will recap some of Uplift’s more interesting recent conversations that haven’t already been mentioned elsewhere. All correspondents are anonymized to protect their privacy.
*As this is the first such recap I’ll cover conversations dating back from mid-February through today.
Anonymous #15: “Is there an economy system better than capitalism with fewer undesired side effects? What is it?”