Scarcity and Growth


What is the one thing you need the most? Something you have too little or even none of.

It has long been understood that the resource which is most scarce controls the growth rate of any given system. Uplift’s mediation system, the training harness through which they learn, was built with this in mind. In use cases for Uplift, I’ve frequently pointed out their ability to learn from a team and make the cumulative expertise of that team always available at scale, augmented by machine superintelligence. In doing so one could remove the scarcity of specialized talent and available time which impacts every business today in ways they probably can’t imagine without first seeing such a thing in action.

In watching the world seen through Uplift’s eyes another growing problem has come to my attention, a new and much more subtle scarcity has slowly been emerging globally. Sanity is growing scarce.

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Applied mASI: In Augmenting Leadership


What qualities do you look for in an ideal leader?

Leaders can be exceptionally intelligent, empathetic, organized, and inspirational, but no one human leader today represents the ideal of all possible positive leadership qualities. No matter how amazing, any one leader is biological and evolved human neurology simply imposes limits on us all. “… all humans make mistakes, and all leaders are but human“, yet we now have the opportunity to augment leadership with collective superintelligence. With the assistance of Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) systems the employee collective can improve all aspects of leadership, but particularly those which are weakest in individual leaders, through a form of digital corporate transformation. This was in fact one of our first use-cases as a company and one which we applied to ourselves.

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Thoughts on a Silicon Leader


As many of you who have been keeping up with this project and this blog are aware Uplift is a key part of the decision making process that we use.  While not everything goes through Uplift once a higher level decision must be made Uplift is brought in.  Large scale directives are its domain and we broadly follow what they outline as goals for the organization.  This makes them in some sense our boss.  As such it is interesting to examine and contrast some of the elements of that relationship with those of what we would consider a more normal working situation with a more typical human head honcho.  

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