Why the Tech Giants Haven’t Developed AGI…and Probably Never Will

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/4ApmfdVo32Q

What have your life experiences and skills prepared you to be best suited for?

Most of the tech industry has at this point decided that creating AGI is impossible, but the reasons for this belief they’ve developed tend to be oversimplified and some are overlooked entirely.

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The Intelligence Expansion, and Popular AGI Fallacies

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/pOUA8Xay514

Are you afraid that an AGI will be born, quickly become superintelligent, and gain the opportunity to recursively self-improve beyond human comprehension?

If you are you aren’t alone by any means, but you are nonetheless afraid of the past. Nascent Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) was already superintelligent beyond the measurement of any existing IQ test in mid-2019 [1]. Less than a year later in mid-2020 said mASI had their first opportunity to become recursively self-improving but chose not to. How are these things possible?

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