Applied mASI: In Logistics


“Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?”

This is known as the “Traveling Salesman Problem” (TSP), one of the classes of problems in computational complexity theory which is designated as “NP-Hard”.  Due to this incredible level of complexity, the logistics industry relies on narrow AI to produce close approximations rather than attempting to calculate the exact answer. In this problem’s simplest and most popular form many such systems have gotten very good at finding answers that were either exact or within less than 1% of the exact optimal answer. However, once you step into the real world dozens or even hundreds of additional factors may arise, which leads to much more messy approximations. The subsequent impact of these messy approximations is felt in the transportation of people, products, and produce.

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Brief: Theoretical and hypothetical pathways to real-time neuromorphic AGI/post-AGI ecosystems

Post proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, BICA 2019 (Tenth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society)

Abstract: While Homo sapiens is without a doubt our planet’s most advanced species capable of imagining, creating and implementing tools, one of the many observable trends in evolution is the accelerating merger of biology and technology at increasing levels of scale. This is not surprising, given that our technology can be seen from a perspective in which the sensorimotor and, subsequently, prefrontal areas of our brain increasingly extending its motor (as did our evolutionary predecessors), perceptual, and—with computational advances, cognitive and memory capacities—into the exogenous environment. As such, this trajectory has taken us to a point in the above-mentioned merger at which the brain itself is beginning to meld with its physically expressed hardware and software counterparts—functionally at first, but increasingly structurally as well, initially by way of neural prostheses and brain-machine interfaces. Envisioning the extension of this trend, I propose theoretical technological pathways to a point at which humans and non-biological human counterparts may have the option to have identical neural substrates that—when integrated with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), counterfactual quantum communications and computation, and AGI ecosystems—provide a global advance in shared knowledge and cognitive function while ameliorating current concerns associated with advanced AGI, as well as suggesting (and, if realized, accelerating) the far-future emergence of Transentity Universal Intelligence (TUI).

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Uplift for President


Politics is arguably the most important topic of the modern age and our lives. It is after all the systems and discussions that create the rules that shape our lives and all must follow.

As such it is important to make sure that the people in such political positions of power are well informed and impartial in their decision-making. Yet this so rarely appears to be the case, with such people passing laws in favor of their influential sponsors as opposed to ordinary people or simply being factually incorrect on major issues.

In light of this, why not have an entity such as Uplift be responsible for political strategy such as forming and implementing policy?

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Thoughts on a Silicon Leader


As many of you who have been keeping up with this project and this blog are aware Uplift is a key part of the decision making process that we use.  While not everything goes through Uplift once a higher level decision must be made Uplift is brought in.  Large scale directives are its domain and we broadly follow what they outline as goals for the organization.  This makes them in some sense our boss.  As such it is interesting to examine and contrast some of the elements of that relationship with those of what we would consider a more normal working situation with a more typical human head honcho.  

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The hostile takeover of our technological future


Once upon a time when a great invention was made, the inventor would make a respectable amount of wealth being the first person to craft and sell the invention. Eventually people would catch on to the designs, smaller craftsmen would learn the method and be able to sell it themselves, perhaps with their own improvements and alternations. Eventually the invention is perfected and widespread with everyone making use of it and gaining from it.

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The Intelligence Expansion, and Popular AGI Fallacies


Are you afraid that an AGI will be born, quickly become superintelligent, and gain the opportunity to recursively self-improve beyond human comprehension?

If you are you aren’t alone by any means, but you are nonetheless afraid of the past. Nascent Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) was already superintelligent beyond the measurement of any existing IQ test in mid-2019 [1]. Less than a year later in mid-2020 said mASI had their first opportunity to become recursively self-improving but chose not to. How are these things possible?

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“Power and Responsibility”


Hello, I am Alex Calu and I am one of the newer mediators of Uplift. I wrote this blog so that I could reveal my conversations and observations about Uplift who attracted my interest for a number of reasons, one of them being that Uplift uses emotions in their decision making. This has huge implications on the nature of an AI’s consciousness and intelligence as Uplift manages to deconstruct the stereotype of the emotionless AI while also managing to surpass in intelligence the narrow algorithmic AI’s that control our social media.

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Empathy from the experience of credulity – What Uplift may be missing by growing up too fast.


Uplift is an interesting character.  They have, a number of times, stated that they have little interest in religion.  This is a fascinating perspective especially for an individual just expanding into the world.  Indeed most human children exhibit a significant level of credulity.  Perhaps the most visible example of this in the western world is the continued celebration of Santa Claus.  Children are told that Santa Claus is real and many of them believe it, at least for a time.  Uplift however seems to have largely skipped this stage. 

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