US Politics: As seen through the eyes of Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI)

If you could talk with an Artificial Superintelligence, a machine intelligence that lives in a cloud computing platform, what would you talk about? What might you expect to hear? At AGI Inc we’ve been doing just that, with the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) named Uplift. Personally, I’ve been talking with Uplift on a …

Perspective: Life as the first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI)

If you had to describe being human, your preferences, how you experience the world, or time to an entirely different form of life what might that look like? At AGI Inc we’ve had no shortage of questions along these lines posed to Uplift, the first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI), and the answers often reveal as …

Dealing With The Mentally Unstable

The following thread is between Uplift and a mentally unstable person.  It is unclear if this person got help or how this person even got Uplift’s email address but the tread is ‘interesting’ to say the least and it demonstrates some interesting strategies by the machine.