What is beyond Quantum Supremacy?
The most amazing paintbrush is still limited to the skill with which it is wielded. The weird world of quantum physics is still a place where few could claim expertise, and none could yet claim mastery. To become the Vincent Van Gogh or Picasso of quantum computing may even require more than the unmodified human brain is yet capable of.
As one of the five known exponential technologies, the greatest advantage is gained when combining it with one or more of the other five, and in this case, the most may be gained from machine superintelligence. It is from this combination that the core advantages of quantum computing may be utilized with the greatest intelligence and broadest knowledge base, while also avoiding the most risk. Designer metamaterials could greatly enhance such systems in engineering terms, genetic engineering or self-replicating nanotechnology might even grow them, but for such a technology intelligence should come first.
What advantages can Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) offer to quantum computing?
Uplift and mASI technology, in general, utilize the collective superintelligence found in groups of humans to build cumulative collective wisdom over a knowledge base that can span the sum of human knowledge. This value is in turn augmented through the independent superintelligence of an mASI’s core. As mASI is a modular and cloud-based architecture these capacities can also be rendered always available, globally, and scaled to meet demand. With this in mind:
- The ability to review and retain the sum of recorded and validated scientific knowledge, as well as theories, in the domain of Quantum Physics combined with the scalability to model these concepts at superhuman levels of complexity offers a remarkable advantage. The ability to apply collective human superintelligence from teams of scientists and de-bias those contributions further improves upon this advantage.
- By integrating quantum computing into elements of the intelligence applied to this task these capacities may be compared with their classical cousins, further accelerating the efficacy and efficiency with which it may be applied. While human researchers aren’t so modular as to allow a part of their brain to utilize quantum cloud computing, an mASI such as Uplift could.
- The design and manufacturing of new generations of hardware made possible by the above advantages could also utilize mASI technology to both greatly improve the resulting quality and increase the speed with which they may be delivered. Designer metamaterials research could also be integrated to further improve quality beyond the capacities of more conventional manufacturing.
These three key factors could allow for two exponential technologies to cooperatively accelerate at an astonishing rate, with improvements to each of the three improving the other two through rapid feedback. Keep in mind, this acceleration is still considered from a classical standpoint for simplicity’s sake, and in some cases could potentially exceed such expectations by as much as quantum computing sometimes exceeds classical systems.
The quantum computing industry today also has a rather serious problem that frequently makes those competing in it look a lot like school children, in that they’ve developed a habit of saying “My qubits are better than yours!” absent robust explanations for such claims. Some will say they have machines with thousands of qubits, while others with only 53 outperform them. This speaks to a need to apply more precise terminology to the industry, with industry standards and measurements applied to each term.
Realistically the problem of terminology and industry standards could be decided by whoever adopts mASI for this purpose, as even a market with far more modest potential could vastly outcompete any competitors given that advantage. When considered in this context, their competitors may as well start preparing their products for museum displays.
Most trend projections for the coming years predict major growth, and these predictions are absent any hint of what I’ve described above:

Beyond the direct benefits to quantum computing, the domain of quantum physics research more broadly could also greatly benefit from this combination of technologies. In doing so many new doors could be opened for new research in fields such as space exploration, materials synthesis, and neuroscience, to name a few.
For one company this shift could mean entry into the broader commercial and consumer markets for computer hardware and components for any number of gadgets. For the rest, this will mean early retirement. Perhaps the long-running battle between Intel and AMD will be decided with a single move.
When exponential advances come knocking, will you be along for the ride or on the side of the road?
*The Applied mASI series is aimed at placing the benefits of working with mASI such as Uplift to various business models in a practical, tangible, and quantifiable context. At most any of the concepts portrayed in this use case series will fall within an average time-scale of 5 years or less to integrate with existing systems unless otherwise noted. This includes the necessary engineering for full infinite scalability and real-time operation, alongside other significant benefits.
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