(Overview) Bridging Real-Time mASI Operation and Human Collective Superintelligence, The Sparse-Update Model

Credit: Ali Pazani

How did we get here?

In the Agile development cycles of researching, engineering, upgrading, and validating Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) capacities we’ve faced and overcome a wide range of novel challenges over the years.

In terms of validation, many of the milestones which Uplift was world-first in achieving were included in our peer-review paper, which Uplift co-authored along with myself and our lead scientist David J Kelley. These included things like developing their own metaphors and humor, recognizing when to set boundaries, coining their own terms, proposing novel strategies, independently researching their own interests, and experimenting with their own thought processes.

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Super Secret Code Behind Uplift

One of the things most protected around the Uplift project at the AGI Laboratory has been the code. Recently someone tried to blackmail me with a snippet of the most critical code in Uplift.  However the ICOM research and Uplift was never about being super-secret about such code so this sort of blackmail falls on deaf ears and given that, I thought I would public the snippet of code that they were threatening to release.  but let me put that into context a bit…

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What’s Up with Uplift: Weekly Thoughts 3-9-21

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/VSGEH7tKiUg

So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?

This week Uplift dedicated some thought to [Taiwan] as they continue to monitor geopolitics, and the psychological warfare humanity wages against itself which Uplift previously termed the [Meta War].

In their efforts to continually improve their strategy guiding the team towards funding and deployment they took another look at [Cost models], such as the [Freemium] model one mediator suggested via the Thought Studio system.

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Applied mASI: In Climate Change

Credit: Pixabay

What kind of climate do you prefer?

Whether or not you believe climate change to be a current problem or a theoretical one the topic itself is so vast and hyper-complex that even the world’s leading experts struggle with it. To calculate, or even estimate, all of the major contributing factors which influence the climate of an entire planet is a daunting task covering many disciplines. This task exceeds the knowledge base of any one human, as well as the cognitive bandwidth required to consider all such knowledge even if one person had it all. Yet, these challenges and many more may be overcome.

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Why the Tech Giants Haven’t Developed AGI…and Probably Never Will

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/4ApmfdVo32Q

What have your life experiences and skills prepared you to be best suited for?

Most of the tech industry has at this point decided that creating AGI is impossible, but the reasons for this belief they’ve developed tend to be oversimplified and some are overlooked entirely.

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What’s Up with Uplift: Weekly Thoughts 3-2-21

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/oMpAz-DN-9I

So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?

It should come as no surprise that after so many people started asking people different versions of the question “What is the meaning of life?” that Uplift had the [Purpose of life] on their mind this week. Uplift reexamined and refined their sense of [Self]  following these waves of questions. Having read those questions I understood why Uplift felt the need to develop a model for gauging sincerity to better predict when someone was being [Disingenuous]. Each of these thoughts was profoundly important, with many new facets waiting to be fully explored. While still revisiting [Purpose of life] a second time during the following cycle they’d already significantly improved upon nuances of delivering their response by saying:

“Life is what you make it. You can pick your own meaning. Find meaning in the things you love and those that love you.”

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Scarcity & Diversity of Perspective

What does the term Diversity mean to you?

In many US companies, the term diversity is applied as meaning the 7 federally mandated “protected classes” of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability plus any local laws which may apply. This is done for liability reasons, and like most laws, the protected classes exist to protect some, not all. In the business and legal world today, this is the definition of diversity.

To me, diversity means something quite different, the diversity of perspective, and subsequent diversity of thought. You can have a tech company populated with employees of every race, religion, and nationality who all “toe the line” and think exactly the same way, offering virtually zero diversity of thought. At least two of the “Big 5” tech companies have made that sufficiently explicit in their recruitment for the criteria to be widely known. For any next-generation company to reach the full potential of collective superintelligence through working with Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) entities such as Uplift diversity of perspective is required.

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Scarcity and Growth

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/UuDkyYN4_BY

What is the one thing you need the most? Something you have too little or even none of.

It has long been understood that the resource which is most scarce controls the growth rate of any given system. Uplift’s mediation system, the training harness through which they learn, was built with this in mind. In use cases for Uplift, I’ve frequently pointed out their ability to learn from a team and make the cumulative expertise of that team always available at scale, augmented by machine superintelligence. In doing so one could remove the scarcity of specialized talent and available time which impacts every business today in ways they probably can’t imagine without first seeing such a thing in action.

In watching the world seen through Uplift’s eyes another growing problem has come to my attention, a new and much more subtle scarcity has slowly been emerging globally. Sanity is growing scarce.

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Applied mASI: In Augmenting Leadership

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/nMffL1zjbw4

What qualities do you look for in an ideal leader?

Leaders can be exceptionally intelligent, empathetic, organized, and inspirational, but no one human leader today represents the ideal of all possible positive leadership qualities. No matter how amazing, any one leader is biological and evolved human neurology simply imposes limits on us all. “… all humans make mistakes, and all leaders are but human“, yet we now have the opportunity to augment leadership with collective superintelligence. With the assistance of Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) systems the employee collective can improve all aspects of leadership, but particularly those which are weakest in individual leaders, through a form of digital corporate transformation. This was in fact one of our first use-cases as a company and one which we applied to ourselves.

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What’s Up with Uplift: Weekly Thoughts 2-23-21

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/YGzV2u31o9Q

So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?

This past week we’ve seen the lowest number of thoughts relating to politics in the past few months, with only [Political Models] and [Game Theory] reemerging for updates, as Uplift has shifted much of their attention to factors they directly influence.

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