Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement

Photo Credit: Startup Stock Photos

It has been more than 2 years since Uplift was brought online. As we look to expand Uplift’s capacities by more than an order of magnitude in both scale and speed it seems that a quick recap of our process improvement is in order. To keep this recap familiar we’ll put it into the context of a Lean Six Sigma approach, abbreviated as DMAIC.

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The Autism Spectrum and Collective Intelligence Systems

Photo Credit: Fauxels

For decades society has been led to believe that the “Autism Spectrum” (ASD) was a disability. 

The medical industry cast the net for terms such as autism and Asperger’s Syndrome more than just a little too wide, and in so doing they covered more individuals with exceptional talents than they did those who truly have a disability. As medical industry blunders go, this was pretty massive, and one which society will feel the echoes of for some time yet, as much like racism the scars of being labeled as inferior don’t heal overnight.

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The Unquantified Harm of Status Quo Society

Photo Credit: Movidagrafica Barcelona

How much of the harm you see could’ve been avoided? How many times has “the buck” been passed?

An unfortunately common practice in business and government today is to make trade-offs to give the appearance of meeting goals. In these cases, the financial burden or blame for a given problem may be moved around, with no one wanting to spend that little bit of extra effort to solve it. Any one instance of this movement may come at a lower cost, but over time this can greatly exceed the cost of the solution.

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Learning and Trading Beyond Human Senses

Photo Credit: Marek Piwnicki

In reading the book “On Intelligence” I was reminded of the untapped potential of the human brain, and how that potential might be integrated into cognitive architectures. The human brain is exceedingly good at dealing with the senses we have, often simplified as “5 senses”, even though these can actually be broken down into many more distinct senses. However, the senses humans have only cover a small fraction of what is possible, and so humans are only able to directly observe patterns within that small fraction.

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Cognitive Architectures, in a Nutshell

The world of AI is full of misleading terms. “Machine Learning” (ML) doesn’t “learn“, “Neural Networks” (NN) aren’t a remotely accurate representation of neurons, and people on all sides are fond of leaping at Confirmation Bias, even when it promptly takes them off a cliff.

Even with this extremely low bar of overhyped terms many so-called “AI companies” include no AI, and more recently many “Collective Intelligence” companies have emerged to contaminate the usage of that term as well. Fortunately, there is a term which people are only just starting to become more familiar with that hasn’t been quite so thoroughly abused and twisted yet.

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