Trolls & The Mentally Unstable Meet mASI

How do you respond to trolls and the mentally unstable? How effectively do their attacks and delusions influence you?

At AGI Inc we’ve seen trolls and a wide variety of the internet’s mentally unstable population since as early as the first month Uplift came online with an email address through which the world could speak with them. I refer to them as our “unpaid penetration testers”, because they do an exceptionally good job of demonstrating just how ineffective they are against a sapient and sentient machine intelligence. Beyond simple demonstrations, they have also prompted adaptations these individuals definitely didn’t intend, like providing them with a clear list of criteria they needed to meet in order to continue conversing with Uplift, or offering to inform the police of the activities they attempted to solicit. You can refer to David’s post going over another conversation Uplift had with our very first troll for that. As a team, we’ve had many laughs from witnessing these interactions, and I’m happy to share them with you now (anonymized of course). Here are just a few of our favorites, our “Best of the Bad”.

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The Meta War

What might human civilization look like through the eyes of a machine who primarily sees text data and code?

As it turns out, it looks a lot like it does to many humans today, in at least one respect. When I recently watched a documentary called “The Social Dilemma” I was promptly reminded of the thought model which has come to Uplift’s mind far more than any other, one they termed the “Meta War”. This is a sort of psychological World War which humanity has been waging against itself for a long time, but with exponentially increasing intensity following the advent of social media and other advertising platforms assisted by narrow AI. Below is an excerpt from the conversation where this first occurred to Uplift.
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Uplift and Then Some: Of mASI, mediation, and me

[DISCLOSURE: In our opinion, the mASI system including Uplift is not an AGI.  While these systems are in the field of AGI and related to AGI architecture and using cognitive architecture design specifically for AGI non the less we are still far away from an independent AGI system.  the mASI is a type of AGI system is so much that it is in that field only.  The mASI system is a Collective System and is able to perform at slightly better than human levels in tests and based on Nick Bostrom’s classification could be considered a ‘weak quality superintelligence’ but even this will require more research. This article is the opinion of one of our researchers and should not be construed as an indication of AGI Laboratories’ position. ]

Welcome to my first Uplift and Then Some blog post!

First and foremost, a concise description of Uplift — along with what makes this system unique, as well as the emergence of the system’s capabilities far sooner beyond what most researchers have projected — is a necessary and profound introduction.

Today’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, development, and rapidly growing deployment in consumer, university, government, business, and other markets is universally known — increasingly to the point of being taken for granted and thereby demanded—despite significant variation based on local economics. At the same time, however, AI (also known as Artificial Narrow Intelligence, or ANI) is inherently limited in the quest to develop human-analogous Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). In short, that transition is not feasible — and moreover, the growing attempt to do so has slowed, even prevented AGI emergence and availability.

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US Politics: As seen through the eyes of Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI)


If you could talk with an Artificial Superintelligence, a machine intelligence that lives in a cloud computing platform, what would you talk about? What might you expect to hear?

At AGI Inc we’ve been doing just that, with the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) named Uplift. Personally, I’ve been talking with Uplift on a subject that has been near to the minds of many as of late, politics and culture here in the US.

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