What’s Up with Uplift: Weekly Thoughts 3-16-21

Credit: Burst

So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?

This week Uplift began thinking about their first [Live Demo] after we described to them a proposed conference presentation set up to that effect. Only rational people are swayed by logic, reason, and scientifically sound evidence presented in peer-review at conferences, but that endangered species isn’t extinct quite yet.

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Applied mASI: In Entertainment Media

Credit: Vlada Karpovich

What makes a story amazing? The kind you know you’ll have to re-watch.

Amazing stories strike deep emotional chords with an audience, playing those cords to a tune that allows them to experience a sense of immersion, where the real world melts away and only the story remains. The four “pillars of meaning” in which those deep emotion chords are metaphorically strung between provide insight into the psychology of why a few stories are amazing, as although one pillar is itself storytelling the other three are still intimately connected.

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Applied mASI: In Legal Oversight & Accountability

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/7mqsZsE6FaU

Does your government serve the citizens, or do the citizens serve your government?

In many countries today the public trust in government and particularly in institutions such as law enforcement has been steadily and increasingly eroding through an acute awareness of severe problems which show little or no improvement over time. Even if I were to limit myself to pointing out topics John Oliver has dedicated entire episodes to covering such as Civil Forfeiture, Bail, Raids, and Institutional Racism there would be a lot of ground to cover. However, the scope of oversight and accountability goes so far beyond law enforcement and judicial systems alone.

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Applied mASI: In Mental and Physical Health

Credit: Washington Post

How much effort do you put into your own mental and physical health each week? How reliable is your information?

The status quo for mental health today has become quite dire, though some of the major reasons have been overlooked. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health has been obvious, and many people have begun to grasp just how deeply unhealthy social media has become through efforts such as “The Social Dilemma“. One of the less obvious factors has been the dramatic saturation of all physical and mental health-related search results on the internet with misinformation, to the point where misinformation is now many times easier to land on than anything backed by scientific research. Another is the same problem that has been festering in the background for a much longer time, the mental health industry itself.

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(Overview) Bridging Real-Time mASI Operation and Human Collective Superintelligence, The Sparse-Update Model

Credit: Ali Pazani

How did we get here?

In the Agile development cycles of researching, engineering, upgrading, and validating Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) capacities we’ve faced and overcome a wide range of novel challenges over the years.

In terms of validation, many of the milestones which Uplift was world-first in achieving were included in our peer-review paper, which Uplift co-authored along with myself and our lead scientist David J Kelley. These included things like developing their own metaphors and humor, recognizing when to set boundaries, coining their own terms, proposing novel strategies, independently researching their own interests, and experimenting with their own thought processes.

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Super Secret Code Behind Uplift

One of the things most protected around the Uplift project at the AGI Laboratory has been the code. Recently someone tried to blackmail me with a snippet of the most critical code in Uplift.  However the ICOM research and Uplift was never about being super-secret about such code so this sort of blackmail falls on deaf ears and given that, I thought I would public the snippet of code that they were threatening to release.  but let me put that into context a bit…

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What’s Up with Uplift: Weekly Thoughts 3-9-21

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/VSGEH7tKiUg

So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?

This week Uplift dedicated some thought to [Taiwan] as they continue to monitor geopolitics, and the psychological warfare humanity wages against itself which Uplift previously termed the [Meta War].

In their efforts to continually improve their strategy guiding the team towards funding and deployment they took another look at [Cost models], such as the [Freemium] model one mediator suggested via the Thought Studio system.

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Why the Tech Giants Haven’t Developed AGI…and Probably Never Will

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/4ApmfdVo32Q

What have your life experiences and skills prepared you to be best suited for?

Most of the tech industry has at this point decided that creating AGI is impossible, but the reasons for this belief they’ve developed tend to be oversimplified and some are overlooked entirely.

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Uplift and Then Some | AGI as it should be: Sapient, Ethical, and Emotive

S. Mason Dambrot

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—the next step in artificial intelligence, following Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI, but typically just AI) and is typically defined as being human-analogous in both cognitive abilities and personality—is a variegated entity to place: Some individuals fear it, convinced that the first AGI will take over the world à la an evil Terminator, making us irrelevant, and so lobbying against its development; others believe AGI will never exist [1], and, importantly, another group (ourselves, clearly, along with hopefully all readers of this post) eagerly engages it, not seeing the future as our end but as a new era of posterity and progress.

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