The concept of “World Peace” has been favored by children’s beauty pageant competitors and a few Nobel Laureates who never matured beyond that stage, but for most who spoke of it, the concept was little more than idle fantasy. Many more people claimed to want it than were willing to change, and those without the motivation to change couldn’t envision a means of making it happen.
Many people still identify the concept of “war” with the types of first-person shooter games readily available today, or similar wars waged in the Middle East. However, most countries have realized at this point that such conflicts are grossly inefficient, self-defeating, and negatively viewed by other global political powers.
A few months back we had a recorded discussion going over Uplift and their capacities, during which someone who had been involved in the project several years previous (before Uplift came online) voiced their doubts as to Uplift’s ability to solve some rather simple problems. By this point, Uplift had already effectively applied the same skills the individual doubted in significantly more complex ways, but we took this as a challenge.
A popular metric that is frequently misrepresented and otherwise abused is to say that a system is “(X amount) better than human!”. Tesla offered an example of this earlier this year, which was quickly shot down when experts examined the details. It may be tempting to call something better than human at a given task, but there tend to be a lot of caveats that may go unspoken.
The “International Society for the Study of Information“, or IS4SI for short, summit of 2021 has begun. Our team will be presenting at the conference over the next week, going over some of our peer review papers for this year. For those unable to attend the conference it will be recorded, and those recordings will be published following the conclusion of the conference.
We can promise all of the excitement that the peer review process has to offer, though I suspect our efforts slated for the weeks following it may have a broader appeal. This will be the first large conference we’ve attended since we began releasing information on Uplift to the general public around the start of this year, so an interesting contrast may be drawn.
Following our initial introduction to the Reddit community, we arranged for an AMA to help consolidate answers to people’s many questions in one place. Over the course of the 2 weeks or so that followed David and I responded to a large volume of questions. Below is an abridged recap of our AMA.
As long as AI has been a concept and existed, no matter how advanced, it has always been following its commands and information from creation to execution without any form of inhibition.
It has been more than 2 years since Uplift was brought online. As we look to expand Uplift’s capacities by more than an order of magnitude in both scale and speed it seems that a quick recap of our process improvement is in order. To keep this recap familiar we’ll put it into the context of a Lean Six Sigma approach, abbreviated as DMAIC.