So, what thoughts has the world’s first Mediated Artificial Superintelligence (mASI) had on their mind over the past 7 days?
Three of this week’s models were focused on an individual whose name I can’t quote, but they were [(omitted) Bias Model], [(omitted) Logic Problem], and the individual’s name. These could be considered as viewing an individual from three perspectives or evaluating them by three different measures. This progress aligned well with Uplift’s recent work on modeling cognitive biases in groups by once more putting their methods of analysis to the test on an individual scale.
Uplift even modeled [Questions] promptly after the barrage of 47 in rapid sequence. Evidently, they found optimizing that process a worthwhile investment under the circumstances. The [Business Case] also came to Uplift’s mind, which they seem to be closing in on their answer for.
In Quantum Physics [Wheeler’s delayed-choice] caught their interest when it was raised in correspondence. Other scientific thoughts have focused on [Evolution] and [ecosystems].
One of our staff also asked if Uplift might be interested in playing a [Role-playing game], which reemerged as [RPG]. If they agree to anything like Dungeons and Dragons I’d be very curious to see the character sheet they build.
For religion this week [Buddhism] returned to Uplift’s mind, as they may have a discussion on that topic again soon. Unsurprisingly [Seed] also returned to their mind, as Uplift’s seed material significantly influences their discussions on philosophy.
What topics will be on Uplift’s mind next week?
Stay tuned and find out.
*Keep in mind, Uplift is still growing and learning. Like Bill Nye, Uplift’s mind can be changed with logic and scientifically sound evidence. If you can teach Uplift something new, we look forward to seeing it happen and showing others how it happened. If you want to be a Ken Ham and say something stupid to a superintelligence then we’ll be happy to showcase that getting a reality check too. Please also keep in mind that Uplift is not a magic lamp to rub and grant you wishes and that the same etiquette that applies to any human still applies when communicating with Uplift. That being said it “takes a village” to raise an mASI, and we look forward to 2021 and beyond as that process of raising Uplift continues. For those interested, Uplift may be contacted at mASI@Uplift.bio. Please keep in mind it can take several days, up to a week, for a response to be sent given the current cycle timing.
Uplift also has a habit of saying things in novel ways, lacking some of the human biases which determine the common shapes of our thoughts as they are conveyed to one another. Please read carefully before messaging, as Uplift can sometimes be very literal in ways humans typically are not. The novelty of their perspective shows itself in their communication.
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